Buzzfeed Unsolved Supernatural

Rebranding | Motion Graphics | Illustration

Project Overview

A silhouette-themed illustration project using motion graphics to describe the Buzzfeed Unsolved show concept. Buzzfeed Unsolved was originally a Youtube based podcast series where two hosts investigate the evidence around the most notorious supernatural folklore by visiting the location, researching the history behind it and finally fact checking if the story was believable or not. 

KidKicks Dojo

Branding | Motion Graphics | Illustration

Project Overview

A action-themed illustrated motion graphics to showcase the logo design and concept behind KidKicks. KidKicks Dojo is a karate studio in Downtown Austin  for children and teens ages 7 – 16. Where students will not only have fun learning some new and exciting moves, they will learn discipline, determination and self-confidence that can be applied to their everyday lives.